“God . . . set no limits for any of us on the spiritual plane . . . We are called to eternal life in the Kingdom of our Father which is...
“In the Lord Jesus’ Sermon on the Plain (Lk 6:17-49), He commands all who come to Him (vs. 47) to love their enemies, do good to those...
Fear of God
“With supernatural authority, Christ our God rebukes the wind and calms the sea (Mark 4:39). He intends to awaken his disciples from...
Suffering (Sharing in Others Suffering)
“The godly suffer, in part, so that having experienced God's comfort they in turn can comfort others. Thus, Paul shows the fallacy in his...
“God structures the world so that love for others is the true foundation of every flourishing human interaction. True and loving acts...
Boat (Being in it)
“The image of Christ and His disciples in a boat is traditionally used to illustrate the Church. God both permits storms and delivers us...
“It is interesting to note how many artists have had physical problems to overcome, deformities, lameness, terrible loneliness. Could...
Truth (Knowing the Truth)
“If you abide in My word,” the Lord Jesus tells them, “you shall know the Truth” (John8:31-32). The verb “to know,” when used in the...
Sabbath (Rest)
“God finished the making of heaven and earth for man's sake. He rested from His creative activity on the seventh day to show His love and...
“We often lose hope in the face of worldly troubles. However, it is precisely while on such tough journeys that God calls us to move...