Born Again
“Salvation, then, is more than forgiveness of sins, more than a mental acceptance of Christ and His teachings. For in salvation we are...
“In the original Greek, the word for “conscience” has the root of self-knowledge…The conscience is the witness that compares one’s...
Truth and Deception
“When God created the heavens and the earth, and all the things that are in them, He gave them being, existence, goodness, and truth....
Sabbath (Rest)
“God finished the making of heaven and earth for man's sake. He rested from His creative activity on the seventh day to show His love and...
“In the hours of difficulty and doubt, in times of sadness and tragedy, and when it seemed that what I had to offer as a young man and...
Truth (Revealed and Concealed)
“The mysteries of the kingdom are not merely obscure concepts or some religious truths only for the elite, nor is the understanding of...