“The human being of today, particularly the one who lives in the most economically and culturally developed areas of the world, faces a...
Healthy Mind
“…before his conversion on the Damascus Road, Paul was suffering from paranoia, was out of his right mind. And afterwards he was in a...
“We must remember that both in St Paul’s letters and in Hebrews, there is no playing off of Father and Son. Some have wrongly drawn a...
Spiritual Progress and Regress
“It is not those who begin the race who are seen as champions, but only those who finish the race. As Jesus taught us in Matthew 10:22 –...
Love (Without Love)
“Jesus urges us to “give to the poor” (Mt 19:21) and to lay down our lives for others (Jn 15:13). But even such a selfless act done...
“It is by coming to know Christ that we understand what our purpose is as human persons made in the image of God. It is by coming to know...
“…reverence is the greatest virtue because it attracts the Grace of God…If someone neglects the little things the danger is that he’ll...
“Since we are dealing with Men it is inevitable that we should be concerned with the most regrettable feature of their nature: their...