“When Esau and Jacob were born, Scripture records that the younger son, Jacob, follows so quickly that he grasps onto the heel of his...
“At various times, drinking, card-playing, dancing, and even movies were viewed as “worldly.” If you stayed away from these things, you...
“Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. After fasting forty days and forty nights He was hungry....
“We hear it frequently remarked that it matters not what one believes if he does right. But if one does not believe right, he does not do...
“There is a happiness that comes from weakness, a happiness that is often called joy. When I am weak, St. Paul said, then God is strong...
Humility and Pain and Suffering
“The measure of a man’s spiritual growth is his humility. The more advanced he is spiritually, the more humble he is. And vice versa: the...
Prayer Rule
“Regarding the matter of how much to pray, Fr. Thomas Hopko had a wise saying. He said to pray as much as you can, not as much as you...
“When we seek the Lord, our heart begins to burn. The heart is warmed, and if our thoughts are concentrated in one point and the...
“It is unnatural and unhealthy to live in a state of fracture or conflict with another, we must always strive to resolve the wound. When...
Love (Abundant)
“The God revealed in the Bible has endowed creation with overflowing beauty. This God is not characterized by utility but by abundant...