“The coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ into the world is one of the few interludes of joy which tormented humanity has enjoyed over the...
“Our lives move at a relentless pace. We feel and live as though some taskmaster were at our back with a whip, driving us on to the next...
Persistence in Prayer
“We all struggle to persist in prayer…Mercifully, Christ aids us in our labors at prayer. Our King and God presents us with three types...
“In a therapeutic culture in which our goal is to be our very best, it is almost impossible to serve God. The reason is quite simple:...
Heart (Good and Bad)
“Real life is lived in the depths of our heart, as is our hell and our paradise. That is where the battle is fought between our good and...
Love (and to be Loved)
“If there is one resilient and God given aspect of us that has remained intact throughout history and time, it is our innate desire to...
Comfort and Suffering
“Our God is “the Father of mercies and God of all comfort” according to St Paul – a wonderful image of our Creator. The God of comforts...
“People can memorize huge portions of Scripture, read the Bible from cover to cover a dozen times, learn all of the intricacies of...
“Have we been living reactively or proactively? Each one has profound ramifications for our emotional, spiritual, and physical health....
“…we must be careful lest we put roadblocks in front of the Holy Spirit’s work… we can resist the Holy Spirit by stirring up discord in...