Repentance (as Life)
“By holding on so tightly to our sense of self, we choked God, strangling him, and put him to death. ‘But,’ you might ask, ‘can God die?’...
Fire (Divine and Spiritual Fire)
“There is within every human person gold and silver and mud and dross. Life in this age has been given to us for repentance and the...
“…most of our sins are not sins of violence, but sins of affection gone wrong. After all, who is it that we sin against the most? Our...
“…salvation is something plainly visible – salvation can be seen by all humans. Salvation is thus not merely a theological concept or...
“The average lifespan of an emotion is about ninety seconds. However, when we replay painful memories, or when we ruminate over...
“For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the...
Human Beings (Becoming Fully Human)
“The work of God is the fashioning of the human being…this work is announced in Genesis, completed on the Cross, and continued in...