“…our age is haunted. On the one hand, we live under a brass heaven, ensconced in immanence. We live in the twilight of both gods and...
Sin, Nature, and Will
“The worst conclusion to draw is the notion of a “sin nature” (a horrible theological error). A “nature” (by definition) is “what a thing...
Love (and Condemnation)
“God, from the depth of His being, is love. This love is not limited to a one-time action, nor bound by a conditional time-frame. God’s...
Baptism and Repentance and Regenration
“Since you have purified your souls in obeying the truth through the Spirit in sincere love of the brethren, love one another fervently...
Heart (Burning)
“The Resurrection opens for us a path of joyful repentance, so that like the disciples on the road to Emmaus, our heart may burn within...
Jesus Christ
“… Jesus Christ is described in a plethora of images: the Prophet, the King, the Messiah, the High Priest, the Lamb and the Suffering...
Healing and Wounds
“How can we pray when we feel overwhelmed by forces we cannot manage, when our vigor and capabilities are insufficient to meet the...
Impulse and Impulsivity
“When things do not happen as expected, we are often at the mercy of our impulses. The accusation of a lowly servant girl ambushed Peter...
Word of God
“In modern Christian discourse, the phrases “the Word of God” and “the Word of the Lord” are commonly used to refer to the Scriptures....
" 'In the same way therefore not one of you can be my disciple if he does not renounce all of own possessions' (Luke 10:33). The...