“What is spiritual renewal? It is when you are no longer weighed down by the burden of past traumas and mistakes, your present is filled...
Attention and Distraction
“St. Peter — always the most zealous of the disciples — then made an extremely bold reply: “Lord, if it be Thou, bid me come unto Thee on...
“During times of struggle or fear …we can feel abandoned. Sometimes we just feel it and sometimes we verbalize it. When we verbalize it,...
“…humanity was created immortal and incorruptible, though not inherently immortal and self-sustaining (only God is so). Humanity is...
“Death is the great leveler. People who have beauty, riches (Psalms 49:16–17), and power in this world will lose them all at death. They...
“We live in a culture of knee-jerk criticism. See something about someone on the news, we immediately think we know the full truth about...
“Many believers today think that pain is the exception in the Christian life. When suffering occurs, they say, “Why me?” They feel as...
“Any excessive focus on form alone will disrupt our communion with God and our ability to love others as Christ commands.” (Dynamis...
Quality of Life
“We often hear of ‘quality of life’... Let me ask you this, who has a better quality of life: the one who knows God is caring for him, or...