“…humanity was created immortal and incorruptible, though not inherently immortal and self-sustaining (only God is so). Humanity is...
“Our orienting loves are like a kind of gravity—carrying us in the direction to which they are weighted. If our loves are absorbed with...
Joy and Happiness - Part 2
“Hidden under that English translation blessed is the Greek word makarios. This is not the usual word, evlogitos, which literally means...
Sin and Forgiveness
“Sin is fundamentally a kind of demonic force that masters us and makes us demonic slaves when we give in to it (John 8:34)…Being an...
“The purpose of reading the Scriptures is to acquire the grace of the Holy Spirit, to grow in our relationship to God, to commune with...
“…repentance does not fundamentally mean to feel guilty about our past sins, nor even merely to cease from sinning in the future....
Encountering God/Christ
“Reading the Scriptures, studying the church fathers, attending worship, praying, and meditating are all good and godly things. But they...
“God places man in a garden of paradise “to tend and keep it” (Genesis 2:15), honoring him with the gift of free will…“He desired that...
Loving God and Loving Others
“In the heart that knows nothing but love, there is no distinction between the love of God and the love of neighbor. The Apostle writes...
“…humility is to love the Lord Jesus, to continue to implore Him for mercy and for love, even in the face of what can appear to be...