Disbelief and Disregard
“We can argue that today’s Western culture is very much dominated by an individualistic mindset and, certainly with the decline of...
“To be faithful means to be absolutely true to one’s word, to be totally loyal in one’s devotion, to be completely steadfast and...
Repentance and Culture
“The cry, “Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at hand!” is not an enjoinment to moral improvement. It is a call to recognize the very...
Modern Culture
“While every godly expression of our talents, and every lawful calling, can become an occasion to glorify God, the cultural mandate of...
“…Church is a hospital. The model of a courtroom or a business or even a social club is misguided and lacks the heart and the purpose of...
Fear (and Love)
“Sin enters into mankind through death, and the fear of death is the occasion of all our sin and our slavery to that fear (Heb. 2:15)....
Ego (Self-Will)
“How do you know if you’re in demonic possession? How do you know if you’re deceived? Well, you don’t know, really. Every day I should...
Faith and Action
“Saint Paul states that we practice the faith of the apostles when we “have carefully followed my doctrine [and] manner of life” (2...
“Forgiveness is so terribly hard. On a psychological level, it feels dangerous. The shame engendered by any insult or injury is our...
“…our modern culture believes that relationships with other people are merely psychological phenomena – they are all in our head. There...