“To love persons is not to love their crimes. To love a human is to love a creature of God; to love crimes is to pursue the inventions of...
“It would seem that we are back to the very beginning with the serpent in Eden—the first Gnostic?—whispering that God is not a good God...
“Although it is not readily apparent, we experience disappointments and hardships first as shame. It is only after the experience of...
“The Apostle Peter exhorts us Christians to be “of one mind” which will require us to have compassion for one another and to forgive...
“In chapter 3 of Genesis, the tragic moments of what we call the Fall are described. People ‘rebelled’ and sought to become gods...
Wisdom (2)
“… the acquisition of wisdom is always conditional, for God makes wisdom available only when two major “ifs” apply to us: “if [we] call...
Relationships with Others
“On this basis, the prime concern of the Church is respect for and protection of the human person as the distinctive feature of human...
“There is a saying, “The more we try to control what we cannot control, the more out of control we feel. It is only when we let go of our...
“Distraction serves a purpose. Like gargoyles guarding the roofline of a cathedral, distractions first serve to ward off those who lack...
Gripped (Enslaved)
“To be perfect, one must willingly sacrifice all and follow Christ. Nothing is gained unless this sacrifice is given freely. The...