Our Own Good
“Nothing that happens to us escapes God’s notice and care; not a tear falls to the ground that He does not remember. When we suffer, it...
“God is our refuge and power, a help in afflictions that severely befall us…Be still and know that I am God…God is a refuge for His...
Prayer and Distress
“Prayer is still possible when God seems to be absent, and we can hope in God in the face of present affliction because faith enables the...
“Troubles and difficulties are a tool which refines and purifies our faith, producing patience and endurance…To “wait” for the Lord...
Spiritual Perception/Warfare/Experiences
“The life of a believer is not one of ease but a constant spiritual battle.” (Foundation Study Bible, 2 Corinthians 10:4) “…there is a...
“…the Lord will work with us, even in our shortcomings, even in our doubts, just as He worked with the Disciples. The Lord meets us where...
“Many believers today think that pain is the exception in the Christian life. When suffering occurs, they say, “Why me?” They feel as...
“God created man with an inner sense that there is something bigger out there, something that transcends mankind. That something is God...