“…the demands of this present life call for action, but God’s Word calls us to acknowledge His claim on our hearts now. We are seek Him...
“Spirituality is not a formula; it is not a test. It is a relationship. Spirituality is not about competency; it is about intimacy....
God's Ways
“God’s ways always exceed our comprehension and our capacity to predict…God’s ways ultimately defy our human reasoning and calculations…...
Praying in Jesus' Name
"…the Name Jesus as His proper Name is ontologically connected with Him. For us it is the bridge between ourselves and Him [cf. Jn....
Heart (Condition of)
“The most portentous fact about any person is not what he at a given time may say or do, but what he in his deep heart conceives God to...
Grace and Joy
“The Greek word for joy is chairo. This word is related to charis, which means “grace.” Joy, therefore, is literally rooted in grace....
False Teaching
“False teachers are always charmed by their own ideas about truth. Worse, because they willfully attract others to adopt their ideas,...
God Bringing Us Back to Him
“It’s difficult to know when God has been disciplining us until we look back on the situation later. Not every calamity comes directly...
Love (Toughness of Love)
“It [love] is tough because it means dependency on God for that which we cannot do by ourselves. It is tough because the objects of our...
“Ongoing sin tolerated in a believer’s life is one of the main things that blocks effective prayer and hinders growth…The one who loves...