“In the hours of difficulty and doubt, in times of sadness and tragedy, and when it seemed that what I had to offer as a young man and...
“Death is the great leveler. People who have beauty, riches (Psalms 49:16–17), and power in this world will lose them all at death. They...
Suffering (Comfort and Salvation)
“The source of afflictions is the sin of humanity. The purpose of afflictions, if we use them properly, may be our comfort and salvation,...
Seeing (the "Whole Picture")
“In our human condition, we do not always see things as they are: the fog of war and pain sets in. It is helpful to remember that though...
“God writes upon our hearts the knowledge of His will… Our hearts must yearn for the things of God. The hunger to do His will is the...
Divine Judgement
“The time for us to entreat repose is now. We are to prepare for the end of this life by making our beds well so that we may rest in joy....
Truth (Revealed and Concealed)
“The mysteries of the kingdom are not merely obscure concepts or some religious truths only for the elite, nor is the understanding of...
True Love
“Love—The more one reads 1 Corinthians 13, the more one has to face the fact that we don’t naturally have that kind of love in us. The...
Worship (in Spirit and Truth)
“God is Spirit: God cannot be confined to a particular location. Those who receive the Holy Spirit and believe in Jesus Christ can...
Sin and Cleansing
“When our bodies are dirty, we take a bath or a shower. When our bodies are infected, we take medicine. When our cars are dirty, we wash...