Love and Self-Giving
“The word almsgiving…simply means to give of oneself above and beyond what is due…Someone might ask, what is wrong with having silver or...
“St. Maximus the Confessor describes human beings as a “microcosm,” that is, as the universe (cosmos) made small (micro). This indicates...
Christ Crucified
“…the Lord’s death on the Cross was no impersonal payment, no supernatural transaction to balance the scales of divine justice…The...
Modern Culture
“While every godly expression of our talents, and every lawful calling, can become an occasion to glorify God, the cultural mandate of...
Obedience (and Trust and Knowing God)
“We all have the experience of falling into our familiar sins again and again. Instead of being disheartened to the point that we no...
“…Church is a hospital. The model of a courtroom or a business or even a social club is misguided and lacks the heart and the purpose of...
Solitude /Stillness /Silence
“Our lives are often filled with tensions and judgments with jealousy and greed – all of which serve to deaden our hearts and make us...
Repentance (God's Love and Patience)
“The Church speaks to us about the power of repentance and gives us an image of how a man can rise up from the abyss of sin to the...
Prayer and God's Will
“…when someone cries out: “God, help me!” God immediately comes to help him. But not all our desires are good. And since our desires lead...
“If we want God to abide in us we have to learn to be patient! The anger which so rapidly arises in us also creates the inner environment...