“I find the bits and pieces of everyday life much more precious than the hopes and dreams of an unlived future. Clouds passing in the sky...
“…we cannot see ourselves accurately simply by looking at ourselves. The soul does not serve as a private mirror. Who and what we are is...
Suffering (Mystery of)
“There is a mystery in suffering – by which I mean to say that there is more to it than meets the eye. This is evident in the crucifixion...
Individualism (Modern Notions)
“It is insistence on the individualistic mode of the created that constitutes ‘evil’ and freedom from this mode, self-transcendence in...
“My experience within social media is that any observed problem within our culture that is presented will attract an immediate flood of...
Moral Perfection
“Imagine the case of a morally perfect human being – one who has never committed an infraction of the “moral law.” To the surprise of...
“So then, when we ask about whether there is a God in this sense, we are not asking whether there is some specific superhuman entity that...
Holy Trinity
Quotes of the Day for June 24, 2024 – Thoughts on life, love, and the Holy Trinity “…the ultimate governing principle of reality—distinct...
“I am becoming increasingly convinced that in our age of inattention, distraction, and scattered focus, the greatest gift we can offer...
“We have to follow our life’s path, although our life isn’t always perfect. Let’s not just stand around waiting for everything to be...