“The first evidence of Great Lent is found in the Paschal Letter 2 of Athanasius the Great (297- 372), Patriarch of Alexandria, dated to...
Mercy, Judgement and Justice
“Divine justice is radically different from human justice. There is no equal exchange remotely possible;…“the whole moral order as we...
“Although it is not readily apparent, we experience disappointments and hardships first as shame. It is only after the experience of...
“If we want God to abide in us we have to learn to be patient! The anger which so rapidly arises in us also creates the inner environment...
“This unique reality that constitutes our true self, is, in its most foundational aspect, a gift. We never “create ourselves”…We are not...
“There is a relationship between sin and death. Sin causes death, and the fear of death leads one to sin and thus to bondage, Christ sets...
“We often lose hope in the face of worldly troubles. However, it is precisely while on such tough journeys that God calls us to move...
“The Apostle James is intensely concerned with the vice of partiality (see James 2 verses 1, 4, and 9). But what, exactly, is this...
“Hardship need not break us. It can build, refine and reveal. That is the work of providence, God’s good will working in us a glory that...
“If we cultivate responsiveness to God’s presence, develop the habit of asking and waiting on God, divine management can be the...