“Desire is transformed into lust when we exclude God from the picture. Without God, the natural powers of our soul become corrupt. Abba...
Prayer (Being Prayer and Living Prayer)
“Prayer is an encounter with God. It’s not just a question of sacred duty, not some kind of religious obligation, and even less is it...
“Forgiveness is so terribly hard. On a psychological level, it feels dangerous. The shame engendered by any insult or injury is our...
Christian Life
“…to grow in the faith and to mature in our Christian life, we need to “turn aside” from our thoughtless and superficial way of life. We...
“God creates mankind as male and female, instructing them to “be fruitful and multiply” (Gn 1:28). Christ expands on this basic truth of...
Perfect Love
“God, the Holy Trinity, is perfect love. As Gregory of Nyssa observes, the Holy Trinity “is a sort of continuous and indivisible...
Family and Relationships
“Our culture is rooted in assumptions of radical individualism. It believes that we are not only distinct and separate from everything...
Inner/Outer Life
“Inner watchfulness is a primary element of our life in Christ, and far more important than following outward events. Our Lord makes this...
Heart (Cold-hearted)
“In our culture, if someone spoke about coldness of the heart, we would likely describe it as an emotional issue, and dismiss it or...
God (With or Without)
“Precisely because of the excision of God from our life, or at least the marginalization of him, we’ve become convinced that everything’s...