Inner/Outer Life
“Inner watchfulness is a primary element of our life in Christ, and far more important than following outward events. Our Lord makes this...
“…salvation is something plainly visible – salvation can be seen by all humans. Salvation is thus not merely a theological concept or...
“…repentance does not fundamentally mean to feel guilty about our past sins, nor even merely to cease from sinning in the future....
Interior/Inner Life
“Sin works in the soul and heart, but most terribly in the mind (Romans 1:28) or nous, which is the center or eye of the heart according...
“When Esau and Jacob were born, Scripture records that the younger son, Jacob, follows so quickly that he grasps onto the heel of his...
Heart (Illumination)
“What is the heart? In biblical and patristic usage, the term “heart” does not correspond to the emotions. Rather, it is synonymous with...
“We need to have perseverance in our petitions before God.” (Orthodox Study Bible, John 2:3-5) “When bad thoughts surround us like a...
“As we think in our hearts, or inner beings, so we are. The raw material of our actions is what we take into our minds and allow to...