“The false narrative of secularism says that religious activity is the realm of human concern with God, and the only proper realm of such...
“From the moment you meet and convert to Christ, your intensely difficult spiritual work begins of self-improvement, of being transformed...
“It should be common knowledge (though it is not) that the whole of our purpose in this life is communion with God, and, together with...
God's Personal Nature
“God is not a static object. He is personal and therefore acts in freedom. We can know or perceive Him because He makes Himself known. By...
Center (Focus, Priority)
“And here is the crucial point: we begin with God as Being, Truth, Goodness, Beauty. The words and concepts only have meaning when...
“In the contemporary world, secularism, neo-paganism, along with eastern spiritualities, abound in the market-place of ideas, confusing...
“God speaks to the world largely in symbol and sacrament. The direct assault on reason is rarely effective…The heart is too often on...
“Evil arises from the abuse of the free will God has granted his higher creatures and is tolerated for a while as the price of their...
Orientation (To Work and Tasks)
“Christians see the same facts as the non-Christian, in other words, but because of this worldview we see them differently; we see them...