“In literature and in art, we call the inversion of two elements a “chiasm,” from the Greek letter Chi (Χ) that can be physically traced...
“…it does not help that our image and sound rich society creates a living space that is extremely noisy. All around us there are...
“A difficulty in our present world is that we are confronted with distorted versions of our Christian selves. Various critical theory...
Crosses to Bear
“ “Take up your cross,” says Jesus Christ. He didn’t say to create or construct yourself a cross. Christ also didn’t choose or build...
“The opposite of autonomy is theonomy. This is the belief that the fulfillment of human existence, while it begins in this world, is...
“Because God created all things through Christ, He will transform and reunite all things—material as well as spiritual—to Himself through...
“I have often thought that people generally have narrow interests. We want to work, to play, to love our family, to live in peace with...
“A driving thirst for God is our starting point. Such thirst comes to all of us naturally, but because we are fallen and sick, we easily...
Loving Others
“God loves us more than a father, mother, friend, or any else could love, and even more than we are able to love ourselves…We need to...
"We all have one thing in common. We all share in the brokenness of humanity." (Deacon and Fellow Pilgrim) “We share one human nature in...