God's Nature/Our Nature
“He is the all.” This verse declares the great truth of God's supreme omnipresence. He permeates everything, but also transcends...
“…salvation is something plainly visible – salvation can be seen by all humans. Salvation is thus not merely a theological concept or...
Blessed, Blessedness and Blessings
“Our Lord Jesus Christ entered into this world to endure its suffering. He did not simply remove it from us, He shared in it. And as a...
Faith, Trust, and Belief
“When we separate faith from everything else, we make it into belief. It becomes the assent to the truth of something that cannot be...
Theosis/Union with God
“Our quest for communion with the everlasting God reorients our vision, directing it toward the eternal destiny of all mankind. We...
Temptation/Troubles and Suffering
“Many think that pain is the exception in the Christian life. When suffering occurs, they say,"why me?” They feel as though God deserted...