“The false narrative of secularism says that religious activity is the realm of human concern with God, and the only proper realm of such...
Body and Soul/Spiritual and Physical
“That the soul is superior to the body is an assumption based in Hellenistic philosophy and is a bit dualistic as the bible presents...
“The fall arises out of man’s free decision to reject personal communion with God and restrict himself to the autonomy and...
“We are captivated by the “surface” of things, failing to see what lies beneath. It causes us to be anxious and driven by things of...
Unbelief and Disbelief
“Unbelief toward the Lord produces many vices—especially irrational choices, for unbelief is contrary to a rational mind…Unbelief is of...
“Our society values self-reliance. We teach that maturity means that we no longer depend on others for direction or support. When we are...
God's Personal Nature
“God is not a static object. He is personal and therefore acts in freedom. We can know or perceive Him because He makes Himself known. By...
Questions (Wrong Questions)
“Christ promises to be present and make Himself known to us. When we spend time with each other, developing our relationship, we no...
“…it is in our nature to aim toward what is good, true, and beautiful. But the impulse toward the good often misfires as we follow after...
Sacred Space
“The narrative of Creation is the story of God creating a sacred space in which to dwell with His creation, humanity…What we see in...