Prayer (Fervent)
“Paul not only urges us to pray, but he teaches us how we should do it. He writes that we should offer our petitions and supplications to...
Giving and Receiving
“ ‘So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. (2 Corinthians 9:7)....
Grope (Groping for God)
“Even if we only grope, only feel around, trying to find God, the promise is that we shall find Him. Sometime my life feels as if I’m...
Suffering (Perspective)
“We must not be distressed by anything that happens to us, even if it affects our present weaknesses. For although we don’t know why...
"It is not your business to succeed, but to do right. When you have done so the rest lies with God." (C. S. Lewis) “Our culture glorifies...