Spiritual Growth and Maturity
“The evangelist tells us, “He took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town” (Mk 8:23). The town represents the security...
Spiritual Fruit
“…let us heed Jesus’ warning to the fig tree. When He finds a lush but fruitless tree, He curses it to wither away (Matthew 21:19) and...
“Life in Christ is never a bed of roses. He promised pruning. But if we respond to the Gardener’s tending as fruitful branches, yielding...
“Great things aren’t just the legacy of unusually gifted great men and women. Great things are what you will accomplish when you put God...
Theosis/Union with God
“Our quest for communion with the everlasting God reorients our vision, directing it toward the eternal destiny of all mankind. We...