“…because Jesus Christ is the Truth, Ultimate Truth is personal, and not simply statements of facts, or other kinds of ideas or...
God's Nature/Our Nature
“He is the all.” This verse declares the great truth of God's supreme omnipresence. He permeates everything, but also transcends...
“…we believe that this word of peace enters into the violence of history not as an idea but as a Person….The pervasive, cosmic peace we...
“We should pray for the ability to distinguish discernment from judgment. The word discernment is derived from the idea of perception. It...
God's Will vs Self Will
“Doing God’s will is easier said than done, for many factors enter into our lives which weaken our resolve to do His will. One only has...
“During the first century, the people of God envisioned the Messiah as a descendant of David (Matthew 12:23) who would conquer nations...
Family and Relationships
“Our culture is rooted in assumptions of radical individualism. It believes that we are not only distinct and separate from everything...
Suffering (Finding God Within It)
“I was shocked by my suffering, because I hadn’t reckoned with the real fallenness of the world, and I wonder if my shock is a common one...
Human Nature
“There is no second uncaused causal principle, parallel to God, no principle of the existential fact that is evil by nature, nor a second...
Faith and Reason
“Faith is critical if we are not to remain earthbound. Divine matters cannot be comprehended with the mind, but we are conditioned in our...