Light of Christ
“Over and over again, St. John emphasizes that because Jesus Christ is the God-man, He reveals most perfectly what God is like and what...
“Before beginning any good deed, we must have recourse to God in prayer, ask for His grace, help and assistance, so that the work before...
Spiritual Health
“…part of what it means to say we live in a fallen world is that people are in a weakened state, in poor spiritual health, likely to...
“From a world held hostage by the idea that the quantifiably big, the numerically great, and the visibly expansive accurately describe...
Love and Treatment of Others
“Love is the greatest gift of God that man can receive in this temporary world… Burdened with all kinds of problems that, in general, are...
Loving or Hating
“It’s important to understand that when early Christians talked about love, they didn’t just mean a feeling. Their idea of love was...