Fallen World
“Lot dwelt in the cities of the plain and pitched his tent even as far as Sodom” (Genesis 13:12). Lot “pitched his tent” in Sodom, but...
“The opposite of autonomy is theonomy. This is the belief that the fulfillment of human existence, while it begins in this world, is...
Spiritual Progress and Regress
“It is not those who begin the race who are seen as champions, but only those who finish the race. As Jesus taught us in Matthew 10:22 –...
“To guard a nation against attack requires constant surveillance and early detection. The armed forces of our nation remain ready for...
“I have often thought that people generally have narrow interests. We want to work, to play, to love our family, to live in peace with...
"...the Church’s perspective is not dualistic, but rather sees that the spiritual and material parts of man are both in need of...
Darkness (Confusion and Light)
“This is the spiritual logic: affliction comes to those who follow Christ because He is the source of all goodness, love, and truth....
“Shall I not punish them for these things? The Hebrew word translated punish (Jeremiah 9:9), literally meaning “to visit,” can be used of...
“The Incarnation shows us that the divine world and the personal world coexist within each human being. It is when the two natures live...
Bad Choices
"The Fall of mankind away from God is essentially a corruption of the will of man, making it difficult to choose what is right and...