“A difficulty in our present world is that we are confronted with distorted versions of our Christian selves. Various critical theory...
Community, Individualism and How to Live
“To be a father means to have a child, and at the same time, to be a son means to have a father. Each term needs the other to have...
Spiritual Growth and Maturity
“…the seed or root of all virtues is humility, which opens the human heart to the grace of God, inviting into it Christ Himself—Who...
Contagious Faith
“Sin remains an affront to the holy God. It alienates us from God again as if Christ had not reconciled us to our Creator. So it puts us...
"Fear is a life-giving, God-given gift, essential for survival. It is an evolved capacity in the human being, so science tells us. But...
Theosis/Union with God
“Our quest for communion with the everlasting God reorients our vision, directing it toward the eternal destiny of all mankind. We...
Discouragement and Disappointment
“In the Christian life, discouragement comes in many forms. There is discouragement when it seems our prayers are not answered; when we...