God's Nature/Our Nature
“He is the all.” This verse declares the great truth of God's supreme omnipresence. He permeates everything, but also transcends...
“Christian witness is not just supplying material needs. It is supplying all human needs: material needs as well as consolation,...
Relationship with God/Christ
“…the foremost issue facing us in this life is the state of our relationship with God. And yet this relationship with God is...
“Everything we can see is in reality calling us to something much deeper, and everything in creation transcends its material existence.”...
Mercy, Judgement and Justice
“Divine justice is radically different from human justice. There is no equal exchange remotely possible;…“the whole moral order as we...
“A key word from classical Christianity is the Greek term “nous,” and its adjectival form, “noetic.” Western translators early on...
“…we believe that this word of peace enters into the violence of history not as an idea but as a Person….The pervasive, cosmic peace we...
God's Presence
“And it is very characteristic that the words symvolon (‘symbol’) and diavolos (‘devil,’ literally ‘slanderer’) have a common root in the...
Rules and Legalism
“Isn’t it amazing that everyone is taught grammar so no one writes in his own way, but according to the rules? They try to teach everyone...
“It is the eternal, timeless God who gives meaning to time by imbuing it with holiness and incorporating time into eternity…Time was...