Spiritual Slavery
“Most people today surely do not think of the weeks before Christmas as a time of preparation for being loosed from bondage to the...
“That first human sin was about turning away from God. He had explicitly told Adam and Eve not to eat of that tree, and yet they did it...
“Christ brings to an end all the divisions which have separated humans…Christ brings together all things (symbol [symbolos]) bringing to...
Reconciliation (and Salvation)
“Salvation is historical (I am saved), and salvation is a process (I am being saved), and also, salvation is a future event (I will be...
Social Beings
“Mysteriously, Adam’s yearning for another like himself drew Eve out of him; for, without Eve, Adam was not just alone but was also...
“The only way for God to assist us in actualizing the likeness we have in Him is to guide us in developing His unselfishness in us....
“The near-total focus on the “fall of Adam” in the West, however, has led to both a lack of familiarity with the other episodes of human...
“…theodicy has a useful purpose nowadays. For those who might not know, theodicy is expressed by the question, if God is good and all...
Spiritual and Material
“… that the whole tendency to differentiate material, secular, or natural things, on the one hand; from supernatural, spiritual, divine...
“Inevitably, the pain that follows sin is greater than the pain of struggling against temptation. Likewise, the pain caused by our sinful...