Spiritual Warfare and Choice
“This world is a world of mixed powers. This world is a field of battle on which people must consciously and voluntarily choose: either...
Suffering (Mystery of)
“There is a mystery in suffering – by which I mean to say that there is more to it than meets the eye. This is evident in the crucifixion...
“My experience within social media is that any observed problem within our culture that is presented will attract an immediate flood of...
Thoughts, Words, Actions, Deeds
“For in every condition of human life, there are souls that please God and have their hidden deeds wherein He takes delight. Whence it is...
“So then, when we ask about whether there is a God in this sense, we are not asking whether there is some specific superhuman entity that...
Holy Trinity
Quotes of the Day for June 24, 2024 – Thoughts on life, love, and the Holy Trinity “…the ultimate governing principle of reality—distinct...
Upright Living
“Man is a being with an upright spine. He cannot change the natural position of his body without losing his dignity. A man on all fours...
“… the eyes are the windows through which … God enters. This is why Christ is always presented as being seen, looked upon, and beheld...
Restoration (Judgment and Order)
“After Adam and Eve disobeyed God, sin and death entered the human experience. Instead of ordering the world around God, we tried to...
Spiritual Growth and Maturity
“…the seed or root of all virtues is humility, which opens the human heart to the grace of God, inviting into it Christ Himself—Who...