A “successful” parish can thus be judged by its well-managed conflicts and general tone of happiness. In its most crass examples, success...
“Humans possess dignity of rational nature, but this comes to them as a gift, not as something they have earned…This honor accorded to...
“...sin is committed in three stages, namely, the suggestion of it, the pleasure experienced, and the consent…Our captivity to sin begins...
"People think a Christian is one who follows Christ's teaching and example, but Jesus is not primarily a teacher. He's a rescuer."...
“God’s sense of timing will confound ours, no matter what culture we’re form. His grace rarely operates according to our schedule…The...
"…everything that exists through creation is connected with change inasmuch as existence itself originates in change, the non-existing...
“Resilience is a psychological process of adaptation in the face of obstacles, trauma, tragedy and stress is related to good emotional...
“A live body is not one that never gets hurt, but one that can to some extent repair itself. In the same way a Christian is not a man who...
Faith and Understanding
"That’s faith. It means letting God do His will in my life, by accepting the responsibilities and people and places to which He has sent...
Work/Vocations/Callings (Part 2)
“An activity that is based on the frenzies and impulsions of human ambition is a delusion and an obstacle to grace. It gets in the way of...