“God is Life. He is the Lord and Giver of Life. He is the only source of life for everything that exists. Our broken and impaired...
“The Apostle Paul also urgently advises us to resist submitting mindlessly to “the affairs of this life” (2 Timothy 2:4). Fruitful effort...
“Sometimes we judge ourselves (and others!) too harshly, focusing on our flaws and we don’t turn to God because we view God through this...
"End of Your Rope"
“In times of grief, terror, and dejection we may reach “the end of our rope” – and yet God is present, most noticeably in our...
Suffering and Transfiguration
“Our human origins and our destiny were restored and modeled by Jesus Christ in moments such as His Transfiguration on Mt. Tabor. But it...
“The dullness of our vision often hinders us from seeing the Lord’s presence in the relationships and situations we encounter every day.”...
“When we’re bewildered, lonely or hurt, when the futility of efforts to connect is too painfully obvious, we can relinquish our confusion...
Patience and Suffering
"So much of modern life is aimed at achieving quick results: there is a kind of immediacy that technology has made possible. If there is...
Pain and Suffering
“For most of us God is just there. We seldom give it a second thought. Some go away to school and we become confused...we see the church...
“…the devil fashions his lies to resemble the truth…heresy and lies creep in when people are apathetic.” (Orthodox Study Bible, Matthew...