“…because Jesus Christ is the Truth, Ultimate Truth is personal, and not simply statements of facts, or other kinds of ideas or...
“Christian witness is not just supplying material needs. It is supplying all human needs: material needs as well as consolation,...
Relationship with God/Christ
“…the foremost issue facing us in this life is the state of our relationship with God. And yet this relationship with God is...
“Everything we can see is in reality calling us to something much deeper, and everything in creation transcends its material existence.”...
“The Gospel mentions several points when it was demanded of the Lord to give an immediate answer, but He remained silent: And when He was...
Self and Self-Will
“But Nietzsche, madman and destroyer of faith, fascinated me. His work was twisted and imaginative, truthful and awful and compelling; he...
“…many of the key aspects which Scripture is primarily concerned with (including, as in Matthew 12, Who Jesus truly is) can only be...
“From a world held hostage by the idea that the quantifiably big, the numerically great, and the visibly expansive accurately describe...
Rules and Legalism
“Isn’t it amazing that everyone is taught grammar so no one writes in his own way, but according to the rules? They try to teach everyone...
“It is the eternal, timeless God who gives meaning to time by imbuing it with holiness and incorporating time into eternity…Time was...