“In chapter 3 of Genesis, the tragic moments of what we call the Fall are described. People ‘rebelled’ and sought to become gods...
“The coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ into the world is one of the few interludes of joy which tormented humanity has enjoyed over the...
Knowing God, Ourselves, and Others
“…the Essence (or Super-Essence) of God is utterly unknowable and incomprehensible, while at the same time, the actions, operations, or...
Jesus Prayer
“The Jesus Prayer – ‘Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner’ - is an ancient meditative prayer that is meant to draw...
Neutrality (Spiritual)
“Not long after the Lord expresses His longing to ignite this fire [Luke 12:49-53, Satan launches his final assault to eliminate the...
Life (of the World)
“…properly theological cosmology and “history” of salvation—the economy or the plan of salvation—begins with the Passion of Christ, and...
Judgment Day
“Judgment Day will not be based on the relativity of how I measure up compared to others. My judgment will be based on what I did with...
“God creates mankind as male and female, instructing them to “be fruitful and multiply” (Gn 1:28). Christ expands on this basic truth of...
“The term “watchfulness” denotes unceasing vigilance within the heart. True prayer cannot be attained without watchfulness, just as...
Persistence in Prayer
“We all struggle to persist in prayer…Mercifully, Christ aids us in our labors at prayer. Our King and God presents us with three types...