“Continually we find ourselves blindsided by reality. Every new morning offers another chance to admit our inadequacy—once again for this...
Intellect and Intelligence
“The natural tendency of human beings is to think their way away from God…Intellectual pride, rationalizations, and excuses all keep...
“…a [spiritual] learning process involves an ongoing, cooperative, synergistic struggle on the part of the faithful. It requires us to...
“We live in an age when families no longer eat dinner together, and children watch TV, play computer games, and text their friends from...
Loving God
“The most important thing is not the work I can do for God. The most important thing is to make God the most important thing." (Phil...
Loving Yourself
“The first ministry of every person in the Church is to work on himself or herself. We must sanctify ourselves…Being our own best friend...
Questions worth Asking
“Can others see Christ in your actions?”…Do we regard our families and homes as gifts through which God can accomplish his work?” (Life...
“Prayers at home are an introduction, a preparation for prayers in Church. Thus he who is not accustomed to pray at home can seldom pray...
Prayer and Decision-Making
“The Gospel writers note that before every important event in Jesus’ life, He would take time to go off by Himself and pray...Make sure...
“The truth is that the only things we can really know about God are the things He has chosen to reveal to us in one way or another. We...