“From sinful arrogance there follows the inversion of truth…Sin inverts the good order of God, so that mankind calls “evil good and good...
“A sleeping spirit is an even more dangerous thing than a sleeping body. If we remain unaware of our spiritual needs and hunger, we are...
Loving Others
“God loves us more than a father, mother, friend, or any else could love, and even more than we are able to love ourselves…We need to...
“Christ urges us to remain encouraged, even in the midst of trials and afflictions that seem overwhelming and impossible.” (Dynamis...
Quality of Life
“We often hear of ‘quality of life’... Let me ask you this, who has a better quality of life: the one who knows God is caring for him, or...
Prayer and Behavior
“Prayer must be united with quiet and godly behavior…anger and controversy make prayer difficult. That is why Jesus said that we should...
Morning Prayer
“Each and every day should begin with our thoughts turned toward God. At the very moment we open our eyes, we should be thanking the Lord...
“That which is most obvious is never the full story, either about ourselves or others. Christ invites us into the fullness of His life,...
“Only those who are mature in faith can hear and discern the promptings of the Spirit (JohnChr). Those of lesser faith are prompted more...
“The Pharisees were so rigid in their religion that they were unable to respond to and engage the world around them. Thus, they rejected...