Intimacy and Knowing
“To know and be known by another is a deep desire of the heart. This desire is implanted in us by God. He tells Jeremiah, “Before I...
“I really am not a fan of “Christian” media, primarily because that term tends to push people into only accessing media labeled...
“My brethren, let not many of you become teachers, knowing that we shall receive a stricter judgment (James 3:1)”. Teachers are often...
“We often lose hope in the face of worldly troubles. However, it is precisely while on such tough journeys that God calls us to move...
God's Purpose
“God often permits the wicked to carry out their evil plans in order to fulfill some larger purpose He has for the objects of their...
“Mary's faithful response is that of highest obedience to God. The Incarnation is not only the work of God, but it involves the free...
“God is kind by nature and always provides for our good and, when we ask Him for something, He will provide it, as long as it is for our...
“Shall I not punish them for these things? The Hebrew word translated punish (Jeremiah 9:9), literally meaning “to visit,” can be used of...
“Paul underscores Christ's willingness to share in our weakness, when he writes, "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to...
“If you are a scholar, a student in any educational establishment, or an official in some ministry, an officer in any of the branches of...