“Our modern world encourages us to prepare for the future through retirement accounts, good education for our children, and insurance to...
Love and Hate
“We shouldn’t be enraged by people who blaspheme or who speak and act against God and the Church. Such rage is harmful. We may hate the...
Obedience (as it relates to Faith and Healing)
“The meaning of the Greek word for obey (hupakouo) begins with the idea of listening attentively…A mature follower of Jesus is always...
“…reverence is the greatest virtue because it attracts the Grace of God…If someone neglects the little things the danger is that he’ll...
Obedience and Humility
“Obedience is the tomb of the will and the resurrection of humility”… Let us beseech the Lord without hesitation for the grace to defeat...
Mercy (Unrecognized)
“The people of Bethsaida were unbelieving (Mt 11:21); thus, Jesus leads the blind man out of the town to heal him, so that the people...
“ ‘Therefore we also pray always for you that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfill all the good pleasure of His...
“…if the beauty and glory of Christ do not capture our imaginations, dominate our waking thought, and fill our hearts with longing and...
Perfection and Suffering
“…the spirit of Christianity is a spirit of perfection. "Be ye perfect, as your Father in Heaven is perfect." (Matthew 5:48) This does...
Darkness (Confusion and Light)
“This is the spiritual logic: affliction comes to those who follow Christ because He is the source of all goodness, love, and truth....