Light of Christ
“Over and over again, St. John emphasizes that because Jesus Christ is the God-man, He reveals most perfectly what God is like and what...
God's Nature/Our Nature
“He is the all.” This verse declares the great truth of God's supreme omnipresence. He permeates everything, but also transcends...
“In literature and in art, we call the inversion of two elements a “chiasm,” from the Greek letter Chi (Χ) that can be physically traced...
Looking Backwards/Looking to the Past
“Ultimately, none of us are defined by our past, but rather we are defined by what we become in Christ. This is why we can declare...
Prayer (Difficulties, Challenges of, Struggles)
“God is love and though it is at times hard for us to bear, God sometimes chooses for us a different path than that which we are praying...
“…every created thing has a “logicity” – it is made by and through the Logos (Christ, the Word of God). The truth of any existing thing...
Life ("Sea of Life")
“Such is our life! Calm and tempest alternate with each other; and time passes, passes, seeking to plunge into the abyss of eternity....
Mercy, Judgement and Justice
“Divine justice is radically different from human justice. There is no equal exchange remotely possible;…“the whole moral order as we...
“…it does not help that our image and sound rich society creates a living space that is extremely noisy. All around us there are...
“A key word from classical Christianity is the Greek term “nous,” and its adjectival form, “noetic.” Western translators early on...