“We are God’s vineyard, charged with bearing fruit and offering “the sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of our lips, giving...
“While the rich man was probably being sincere when he insisted I have wholeheartedly obeyed all these laws [Mark 10:20], he had confined...
Life (Stages of)
“The eternal God is not often in a hurry. He typically works slowly but steadily to show us His gracious will so that we might fulfill...
Love and Truth
“[The Hebrew word] Emeth is ‘truth,’ but not merely in contrast to falsehood. It is commonly translated ‘fidelity’ or ‘faithfulness’ and...
Judgment (and Grace)
“As the Gospel makes clear, with the statement do not judge Jesus had in mind making a judgment that caused one to cut oneself off from...
Love and Spiritual Gifts
“The gifts of the Spirit, wonderful as they are, are temporary and incomplete. They are for this age, while we are “children” (1...
“My family members are weak and sinning human beings who, by definition of living in a fallen state, will wound and seriously offend me....
“How do we make idols in our time? Whenever organizations, behaviors, and enterprises claim the commitment and loyalty that belongs to...
Christ's Love
“… Christ has brought salvation to the world, not by merely giving us a religious code of conduct, but by making us participants in His...
Prayer and Virtue
“There are two ways in which the prayer of a righteous man is effective. The first is when the person praying does so by offering to God...