Life's Events
“Events of life have a way of taking us unaware. Something catches us up and overwhelms us at the time. We reflect many times afterward...
“Are the choices that people make in their lives based on reason? The “Rational Choice Theory” claims that people choose the options they...
“Zeal without knowledge is damaging and dangerous. A little knowledge can be worse than complete ignorance, especially when we become...
God's Omniscience (God Seeing and Knowing All)
“Our daily activities may bring us blessing but also condemnation, for God’s gaze is directed deep into our hearts. God sees what men can...
Ontology (Being or Non-Being)
“For God had made man…and had willed that he should remain in incorruption. But men, having turned from the contemplation of God to evil...
“God places man in a garden of paradise “to tend and keep it” (Genesis 2:15), honoring him with the gift of free will…“He desired that...
Love (and Spiritual Blindness)
“Why does a man not see God? Because he has not love. He has not love because he does not love his brother…The heart’s eye must be...
Loving God and Loving Others
“In the heart that knows nothing but love, there is no distinction between the love of God and the love of neighbor. The Apostle writes...
“According to our modern idea of individualism everyone has his own ideas. Each one of us has his own opinion. And most likely these...
Spiritual Milk
“Peter tells his newborn converts to do: “like newborn babies, long for the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow up to...