“The average lifespan of an emotion is about ninety seconds. However, when we replay painful memories, or when we ruminate over...
Prayer Life
“ don’t have to be a monk or nun on a deserted island to have contemplative prayer in your life. It is something all believers...
“The purpose of reading the Scriptures is to acquire the grace of the Holy Spirit, to grow in our relationship to God, to commune with...
Love (Unconditional)
“…Christ is our ultimate example of self-sacrifice and unconditional love through His crucifixion and resurrection. The fact of life is...
“When the disciples first heard Christ say “Follow Me,” they were doing their daily work as fishermen. Let us not think that His calling...
Kenosis (Self-Emptying)
“Christ does not simply die on our behalf, or instead of us, He becomes sin in order to destroy sin (2 Cor. 5:22). Christ is without sin,...
“To be meek means to be gentle and kind, to be empty of all selfishness and earthly ambition. It means, in a word, never to return evil...
“In the Church of Christ, there is only one priesthood and one sacrifice. It is the priesthood of Jesus and the sacrifice of the Cross....
“For it is the God who commanded light to shine out of darkness, who has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the...
Life (the Good Life)
“People think about how to live a good life in many different ways. Some want rules to follow, regardless of how obedience to them...