Faith and Love
“Our first encounter with Him is through faith. Faith opens the door of the soul, so that Christ can enter. Faith receives Him, subjects...
Mystery and Symbol
“The Greek word for “mystery” is derived from the sense of stopping the mouth or being silenced. The term implies that a mystery is a...
“…humanity was created immortal and incorruptible, though not inherently immortal and self-sustaining (only God is so). Humanity is...
“Deep down we all yearn for the true life in Christ, whether we are rich and poor, men or women, slaves or masters (1 Tim 6:19). For this...
Pain (Management)
“Often when we find ourselves facing external and internal difficulties, our automatic response is to try to do something to lessen the...
Prayer (Fervent)
“Paul not only urges us to pray, but he teaches us how we should do it. He writes that we should offer our petitions and supplications to...
“Our orienting loves are like a kind of gravity—carrying us in the direction to which they are weighted. If our loves are absorbed with...
Joy and Happiness - Part 2
“Hidden under that English translation blessed is the Greek word makarios. This is not the usual word, evlogitos, which literally means...
Ordinary versus Extraordinary
“…it is possible to strive for peace and gratitude even when everything is going wrong. They have helped me see that peace and gratitude...
“God’s love is without bias or favor and is not subject to influence. He loves each person He has created without taint of partiality...