Love (Worldly)
“… together with this law of self-sacrifice, there’s another universal law—the law of self-preservation. Here the law of love is as if...
Jesus Prayer
“If I sit down to say the Jesus Prayer [Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner] I will very quickly have certain kinds...
“Once, a very spiritual professor…was asked: “Who was the greatest teacher in your life?” He replied: “My mistakes.” His mistakes were...
Kenosis (Self-Emptying)
“In Christian theology Jesus Christ is said to be the perfect human. This is partly why we are called to imitate him (1 Cor 11:1) if we...
“Who hasn’t experienced that indescribable sweet inner pleasure that our heart feels when we manage, with God’s aid, to help another get...
“Everything is paradox, and we throw ourselves upon the mercy of God… as Grace increases in our lives, we become more like Christ through...
Spiritual Growth and Maturity
“The evangelist tells us, “He took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town” (Mk 8:23). The town represents the security...
“Sin and passion are inextricably linked, but they should be considered separately. We call sin a person’s action which violates one of...
Love and Worth
“…views modern man as an ‘achievement-subject’ where personal identity and self-worth is not related to relationships, duties, spiritual...
Meaning of Life
“The distinction between things that are Caesar's and things that are God's does not imply the division of a believer's life into the...