Jesus Christ (Life in Christ)
“A depraved life always gives rise to the illusion of happiness, and only a virtuous life in the gospel spirit can bring accomplishments...
“…there are people who have everything but at the same time say they have nothing. They have a house, but they want two, three, four,...
Sin and Being
“ ‘But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at the door. It desires to dominate you, but you must subdue it’ (Genesis 4:7)....
Morality within Reality
“Christ’s teaching cannot be reduced to morality (“do this because it’s good”). Rather, His teaching is ontological. If God, in His...
“The Genesis narrative shows that the relationship between Man and God is not primarily an intellectual one (the contemplative raising of...
“Christians must carry the radiant image of Christ through the twilight of life in the modern world, proclaiming it to the world, which...
“Self-deification [through culture] is not life-giving but . . . death-bringing.” (Vigen Guroian) “…the whole of our journey through life...
“Our Christian faith requires conviction. One of the reasons that we celebrate and often remember the martyrs, those who die for their...
“Perhaps a great surprise in Christ’s parable of the Last Judgment (Matthew 25:31-46) is that God’s judgment of us is not based on the...
“There are moments in life when our customary peace is temporarily set aside by unanticipated events. None of us are immune to these...