“ ‘Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. But if you...
Faith as Communion
“… man has a capacity (in incapacity) for faith. Thanks to his ekstatic personhood man confronts nothingness not as a sort of acceptable...
Kingdom of God/Heaven
“The mystery of the Kingdom of God is made known to a heart that asks, that seeks, that knocks. It is a heart that has returned to the...
“The patriarch, Jacob, in the Old Testament, spent the better part of his life avoiding the true question of his soul. He stole his...
“In chapter 3 of Genesis, the tragic moments of what we call the Fall are described. People ‘rebelled’ and sought to become gods...
Voice of God
“The voice of God is recorded by His people in Holy Scripture, by a community brought together by His voice. Scripture is our primary...