Life (Life is Christ)
“Great changes occur continually in every aspect of our lives – physical, social, and spiritual. Most are beyond our control, for they...
“Everything is beautiful, all gives God glory in its unique manner. One cannot recognize that without the insight of the Holy Spirit. If...
“The coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ into the world is one of the few interludes of joy which tormented humanity has enjoyed over the...
“During the first century, the people of God envisioned the Messiah as a descendant of David (Matthew 12:23) who would conquer nations...
Day of the Lord
“Let us consider how our lives might change if we made the “day of the Lord” the point of reference for guiding and correcting ourselves....
“Both ancient and modern Fathers of the Church are profoundly aware that the ascetic and moral life of Christians is of an ontological...
“In our comfort-oriented culture, it has become second nature to avoid those who are suffering or lonely, or whose lives are messy and...
Following Christ
“…becoming Christ’s disciple does not originate with us…We are always free to answer yes or no, but Christ initiates…Following Christ is...
“The fall arises out of man’s free decision to reject personal communion with God and restrict himself to the autonomy and...
“In the Christian (or post-Christian) West, declaring death in battle to be a sacrifice necessarily links it to Christ’s archetypical...