Spiritual Slavery
“Most people today surely do not think of the weeks before Christmas as a time of preparation for being loosed from bondage to the...
“That first human sin was about turning away from God. He had explicitly told Adam and Eve not to eat of that tree, and yet they did it...
“Christ brings to an end all the divisions which have separated humans…Christ brings together all things (symbol [symbolos]) bringing to...
Christian Life
“…to grow in the faith and to mature in our Christian life, we need to “turn aside” from our thoughtless and superficial way of life. We...
“This particular passage opens with the phrase, “Now it happened...” in which Saint Luke refers to Bethany as a “certain village,” and...
Reconciliation (and Salvation)
“Salvation is historical (I am saved), and salvation is a process (I am being saved), and also, salvation is a future event (I will be...
Social Beings
“Mysteriously, Adam’s yearning for another like himself drew Eve out of him; for, without Eve, Adam was not just alone but was also...
“Most of us accommodate, don’t we? And most of us excuse our behavior because “that’s not my job.” And most of us turn the other way...
“The only way for God to assist us in actualizing the likeness we have in Him is to guide us in developing His unselfishness in us....
Neutrality (Spiritual)
“Not long after the Lord expresses His longing to ignite this fire [Luke 12:49-53, Satan launches his final assault to eliminate the...